Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Literary Feast Discussion: Ship Breaker (The End!)

Welcome back, Ship Breakers!

Our thoughts on the ending of this Printz winner are below.  Beware the spoilers!  Monica and I would love to know what you thought of the ending and of Ship Breaker in general in the comments below.  So, don't be shy, let us know your thoughts.

Shel: I've decided I will have to start calling people "piratical
bastards." Although, I may go with "piratical punks" just to dull the
insult a little.

Monica: Pshaw. Use it the way it's meant to be! You can't soften up an
insult! Of course, pirates are kind of in right now. your intended target
might not even mind. ;)

Shel: So, overall, what did you think of Ship Breaker?

Monica: Three out of five stars. Middle ground. The writing was sound,
but I didn't care too much about either of the main characters. I was more
interested in the minor players, like the captain, or what's-her-face's
mom. I'm halfway through Windup Girl, also by Paolo Bacigalupi,
and honestly, I'm enjoying that one more. Maybe Ship Breaker was
just too short for him to really delve into the plot and the characters?

Shel: For me, I really like the world Bacigalupi created. The story is so
relevant. And while there are aspects of both Nailer and Lucky Girl that I
liked, neither of them really captured me in the end. I think I would have
liked to see other characters stories within this world.

Monica: I want more Tool. Is it bad, that he was the one I was most
intrigued with? I would happily read a book that explained where
he came from.

Shel: Well with Tool, Bacigalupi created this wonderful character who was
the constant outsider and we only got the surface level of why he was so
different. There was definitely more to learn about Tool.

Monica: Spin-off novel? Spin-off novel.

Monica: I'd buy that book for sure.

And that ends our feast on Ship Breaker!  What did you think of it?

We might be holding off on our next feast for a couple of weeks.  Both Monica and I seem to be a bit busy with pesky homeworks.  But never fear, we'll be back soon-ish.  Start thinking about which book you would like to read next.

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