Friday, April 9, 2010

Readathon: Prepare for Round Two!

Last year Monica and I participated in a 24-hour readathon.  And now we're gearing up to do it again tomorrow.

Oh yeah!

Last time, my readathon was fraught with unplanned naps, a visit to a bookstore to attend an author talk and a couch covered in cat pee.

I'm hoping that at least two of those three events won't be repeated this time around.  Of course, if I'm denied my naps, can't leave the house and am left alone in a pool of cat pee, there would be more potential for my blog posts covering my progress to have a higher tinge of crazy.  I'm sure that'll mean more entertainment for you, dear readers.

I'm plotting my approach now.  I think I'm going to mix it up and read some more short books, including a graphic novel or two.  That way I can feel like I'm making more progress throughout the day instead of focusing on getting through one 400 page book.  Somebody  somewhere gave that exact bit of advice last year.  And I ignored it.  Hahaha.  But not this time.

So, caffeine up, ladies and gentlemen!  The reading and postings will begin tomorrow morning. And Monica and I will host a readathon challenge late Saturday night.  So be sure to check back for that action.

P.S. If your interested, you can join the readathon as well.  If you don't think you can handle 24 hours of reading, you might like the thought of becoming a cheerleader.  Check it out!

P.P.S.  I will not be reading in a bikini/underwear while cooking.  I lack the necessary skills to avoid burns.  I may however read in a bathtub, while blowing bubbles and pretending to be a mermaid.  Cause, we all have to have fun somehow.  The tub, of course, will be empty of water.  I can't endanger a book!  That won't be fun.

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