Monday, November 2, 2009

Certified Resolution Writing Endeavor Review Report: Week Forty-Four

So, each year November comes around (as November is prone to do) and with it arrives Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) and I usually come up with an excuse that prevents me from participating:  "I'm too busy," or "It's november 3rd.  It's too late for me to start."  Stuff like that.  But this year, I'm going to give it a try!  (despite the fact that I have the best excuse EVER...I'm taking my Ph.D candidacy exams!  Don't want to drop the ball on that one)  But I've also decided this month would be the perfect time to abandon sanity.  Especially since I'm still struggling to get into my newest writing project.  What better way than to intensely allow it to consume me for a whole month, eh?

I also just heard about the Tara Lazar's picturebook alternative through this blog.  They're thinking of a different idea for a picturebook each day.  Sounds awesome!  I'd participate, but I'm a novel-minded author.  I come up with one mediocre picturebook idea every few years.  And whenever I try to write a short story, I inevitably get feedback that it "feels like the start of a novel."  Sigh.  So, I don't think I have 30 picturebook ideas in me.

Hell, I don't think I have enough of an idea to write an entire novel in a month.  I did approximately 1,200 words yesterday.  Which is good.  But I'm already below the daily goal.  It's especially annoying, because I can track my lack of kick-assedness on a bar graph in my nanowrimo user account.  My word count is a mere dot compared to the goal count.  I hates me my bar graph.  And this, my few but dear readers, is after day one.

Part of my problem is also the fact that I work best when I write by hand.  To count my words each day, nanowrimo wants my entire manuscript to be typed up.  They want me to write 1,600 words a day AND type it up?  But, but I'm lazy.  You're interfering with my bad work ethic, nanowrimo!

Shel's Brain:  But that's the point, you fool!
Shel:  Shut up, Brain!  Nobody here needs you!

dnsfiew;oj;njsdn;lksij;dehndfkme;aodiaenfo;sijfaeksmf;kaljhgiaehwjnsdihfjnewajifsjhansefnaiowenfawens;fiaesmfiawne;fmvidnv;s dwoejifh;ewijfaiwehfud ojuwiehf;qe fiewij 'orije iai jwi jijifajwei f;aweiawesjf;ejraifhjeqwa  jfai;ejf i;iwefj iaji;sfi;awef;j iejfowiejfaksjf rekjf i;jfdja;efj;ie jfiwehugs ;ifreiufdhj i;gusd;ifg;efiersdjjfiehfjha;kwdj;faojriehfijekfa;f e iei ei;a;iaeif ;ie;e 'ow'ialsefheirh ;awdj
Q'SD;FK AE;ISFAJSD IESJD;IS  ewaisfj;iehsdf aiewf; awedh

...reeeeeeettttttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurn 2 mEEEEeeeeeeZ BBBBrainzzz!!!

Shel's Brain:  Say it, fool!
Shel:  I am nothing without you.  I needs you to think and stuff.
Shel's Brain:  And never forget that again!
Shel:  To be fair, I could.  After all, you're the one in charge of memory and--
Shel's Brain:  Shut up, Shel.  And stop typing.  It's not like anyone will read these ramblings!  You're so annoying.  I should have been the one to leave you!


  1. Congrats on deciding to do NaNoWriMo. I think this is a good month for you - I think the best time to do something like this is when you have something to procrastinate from.
    Good luck!

  2. I think your horrible, mind-numbing questions of the not-semester but whatever your university does instead... has made you go insane. You need a vacation. :o)



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