Sunday, October 25, 2009

Certified Resolution Writing Endeavor Review Report: Week Forty-Three

So, how about that 24-hour readathon, hmm?

Intense.  I'd thought it would have been easier.  I was shocked by how quickly I started to feel tired.  I never realized how good I was at working for four or five hours.  But after those four or five hours, it would seem that my brain quits.  Literally, I think it wandered away for a mental cigarette.  No really, what it actually demanded was a break to recharge in the warm glow of the TV.  That was strange, since I don't consider myself to be a TV-dependent person.

Sign me up for the next one!

I think for the next readathon, I will make a point of setting aside some shorter books to begin with.  Also, I'll plan to not be mid-way through my general exams.  Desperately needing to do homework as a part of my reading was a downer.  It was like I was the grounded kid, watching everyone else play in the street through my closed double-pained window.

The mini-challenges were a lot of fun, especially for providing a sense of community.  Thanks to all the cheerleaders for their comments and encouragement and to those other readers who participated in our mini-challenge.  I never expected we'd get so many hilarious responses.

Also a big wave and a grand welcome *trumpets blare* to those few but super-awesome peeps who have started following our blog.  I hope we manage to amuse you!

My personal readathon continues today, since the hunger for a good book never abates in my house.

Also, don't forget our second literary feast will begin tomorrow night.  Monica and I will be discussing the first 50 pages of Lisa McMann's Wake.  All are invited!  We welcome your thoughts on the book.

In writing news, week three has passed without any rejections.  I don't know what to think.  But I do wonder if this tickle in my chest is the return of hope, my self-esteem or just a cold setting in.

I have discovered the perfect agent.  For me.  I won't say who.  But he or she (no hints!) has represented two of my favorite books, both of which have similar themes and styles to my own.  I plan to prepare a query to go out tomorrow.  I anticipate rejection, of course.  That is always much safer for my mental state.


  1. Glad that you had fun! Sounds like you are already thinking strategy for next time.

  2. Oh, yes. There will even be blueprints for next time!!! I don't know what the blueprint will be for, but I've always wanted to examine some blueprints while plotting something and this is an excellent opportunity.

  3. The blueprints are in case we need to tunnel somewhere, obviously!

    Perhaps in search of snacks....



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